Adaptations | Film Streams
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Rosemarys Baby1
Rosemarys Baby1
Third Man5
Short Cuts1
Masculin Feminin2


Ruth Sokolof Aug 31 – Oct 5, 2007

You like the book. She likes the film. He likes the novel. You like the movie. Since
the beginning of motion pictures, cinema has looked to literature for creative
inspiration, and audiences have debated the results. For this series, presented
in collaboration with the (Downtown) Omaha Lit Fest (September 14–15) and
Omaha Public Library, we’ve collected ten movies drawn from literary sources—
some more faithfully than others. The greatest adaptations ever? You be the
judge. We’re just happy that William Burroughs, Jane Campion, and Jean-Luc
Godard can now co-exist within the same sentence. And we’re also happy to
extend our member-priced tickets ($4) to Omaha Public Library card-holders
for the duration of the series.

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